Animal Reiki

Animal Reiki

Animal Reiki Healing

Tabby KittenAnimals teach us many things. They teach us to listen, to forgive and to laugh. Animals teach us about commitment, patience, and acceptance. They are sometimes our confidants and comforters. Animals also teach us about unconditional love.

Because our animal companions are so closely bonded to us, they can absorb some of our issues and problems; this then can manifest itself as physical, emotional, or even spiritual problems for our beloved pets. Reiki can heal physical illnesses and injuries as well as healing on emotional and spiritual levels.

Reiki is a gentle yet powerful healing tool for emotional healing following trauma, abuse, neglect, fear and trust issues. For high-strung or nervous animals, Reiki induces deep relaxation and stress-reduction, and can reduce the tendency towards anxiety. Reiki can accelerate healing after surgery or illness. Reiki can also aid in support for dying animals and make the transition for them more peaceful.

Horse's ViewpointAnimals like humans can become ill when emotional matters have not been resolved and released. Reiki helps animals to let go of these unresolved emotional issues and move into the present and future with a lighter heart .For this reason animals who have behavioral problems and or were abused will find tremendous help from Reiki.

Reiki is powerful and always goes to the source of health problems, but will never cause harm to the animal. Reiki can be given from a distance so it can be used safely and without stress under any circumstances. There is virtually no problem that cannot be treated effectively with Reiki. Animals are sentient, spiritual souls and give of themselves generously and willingly to their human counterparts. This is why these gentle loving creatures are so accepting and grateful for the compassionate healing energy of Reiki.

For your pet’s peace of mind and comfort, I will travel to your home to treat your animal.
Whether it is a cat, dog, horse, guinea pig or turtle, in his own environment your pet will feel more safe and secure and experience less stress, which will allow him to fully benefit from the Reiki treatment.

However, Reiki is not a substitute for professional veterinary care. Reiki is an alternative that compliments and supports all other healing therapies, including veterinary medicine. Reiki is a valuable component of an integrative approach to healing and health maintenance.
Labrador Retriever